Modori Bottle Opener
An object that can explain the brand.
I thought I needed an object that could show the brand's color and direction of pursuit.
I thought I needed an object that could show the brand's color and direction of pursuit.
A very simple but unique shape design.
The lines are connected to form a large loop, which is then twisted to form and functionally separate the handle and the head. There is no place that is not functional and no place that is not decorative.The glossy surface of stainless steel makes the curved surface of the product more beautiful and at the same time has sufficient durability as an opener. We wanted to create a product that was both fully functional and beautiful in its own right.
The lines are connected to form a large loop, which is then twisted to form and functionally separate the handle and the head. There is no place that is not functional and no place that is not decorative.The glossy surface of stainless steel makes the curved surface of the product more beautiful and at the same time has sufficient durability as an opener. We wanted to create a product that was both fully functional and beautiful in its own right.
The manufacturing process is a press process.
The first process was to cut the thickest cuttable stainless steel plate to fit the shape of the opener as a base. Afterwards, the cross section of the opener could be made smoother by using a second mold to round the sharp edges.
The first process was to cut the thickest cuttable stainless steel plate to fit the shape of the opener as a base. Afterwards, the cross section of the opener could be made smoother by using a second mold to round the sharp edges.
브랜드를 설명할 수 있는 오브제 - 우리는 브랜드의 색과 추구하는 방향을 보여줄수 있는 오브제가 필요하다 생각했다.
모도리 오프너는 매우 단순하지만 유니크한 형태로 디자인 되었다. 선이 연결되며 큰 고리를 만들고, 다시 뒤틀리며 손잡이와 헤드를 형상적 - 기능적으로 나누는 조형.어느 곳 하나 기능적이지 않은 곳이 없으며, 어느한 곳 장식적이지 않은 곳이 없다. 스테인레스 스틸의 유광 표면은 제품의 굴곡진 면을 더욱 아름답게 함과 동시에 오프너로서의 충분한 내구성을 가진다. 충분한 기능을 수행함과 동시에 그 자체로서 아름다운 제품을 만들고자 하였습니다.
프레스 공정의 제작 방법 - 컷팅 가능한 가장 두꺼운 스테인레스판을 베이스로 오프너의 모양 맞게 자르는 과정이 첫번째 과정이었다. 이후 날카로운 모서리를 둥글게 만들기 위한 두번째 금형을 사용하여 더욱 부드러운 단면을 만들어 낼 수 있었다.

Prototype showing the process of change from the initial design for the casting process to the final design for the forging process
An opener designed in Seoul is produced in Busan.
We initially considered both casting and forging methods to find a factory, but chose the forging method due to its lower unit price and the use of harder and more durable materials. A change in the design was inevitable due to the change in the production method. Unlike the casting method, which allows the design of more three-dimensional shapes, the forging method is a method of pressing, so it was impossible to embody the initial design as it is.
The final design had been changed to be a little flatter. The space in the middle of the handle has been increased to accommodate the minimum thickness of the press-cutting blade. In the process of design change, the final shape was confirmed through 3D printing, and actual weight and usability were confirmed through casting-type prototype production.
서울에서 디자인한 오프너가 부산에서 제작된다.
우리는 처음 주조방식과 단조방식 모두를 고려하여 공장을 찾았으나, 더 낮은 단가와 더 단단하고 내구성 좋은 소재의 사용을 위해서 단조 방식을 선정하였다. 제작방식의 변화로 디자인의 변화도 불가피하였다. 더욱 입체적인 형상의 디자인이 가능한 주조 방식과는 다르게 단조방식은 찍어 누르는 방식으로서 초기의 디자인을 그대로 구현하는 것이 불가능하였다.
최종적인 디자인은 초기의 볼륨감 있는 형태에 비해 상대적으로 납작하게 변경 되었었다. 손잡이 사이의 공간은 프레스 컷팅 날의 최소 두께에 맞추어서 더 넓어지게 되었다. 이렇게 디자인이 변화하는 과정 속에서 3D 프린팅을 통해서 최종적인 형태를 확인하였으며, 주물방식의 프로토타입 제작을 통해서 실제적인 무게와 사용성을 확인하였다.

This is the initial opener design that was planned based on the casting manufacturing method. It has a more three-dimensional shape and the contrast between the handle and the head is designed to stand out.
Product Design : ilseop Yoon
Product Planning : Moon Geun-young, ilseop Yoon
Photography : Sangho Son
Assistant Designer : Young-jin Cho
Photography : Sangho Son
Assistant Designer : Young-jin Cho